Staff / Leadership

A pastoral search is currently under way, with pulpit supply/guest speakers being used.

Lee Ann Fox

Lee Ann Fox, Church Administrator

Lee Ann has been coordinator of the business and office operations of the church since December 1995. She and her husband, Geoff, are members of the congregation and live in Easton, where Geoff operates a trucking company. They have two adult children and are both enthusiastic Dallas Cowboys fans.

Ellen Wile

Ellen Wile, Music Director

Ellen serves as the choir director and primary accompanist for the church, lines up special music, and coordinates other aspects of the congregation’s music program. A former music teacher in Talbot County schools, she remains actively engaged with the Tidewater Singers. She and her husband, Kevin, live in Hurlock.

Leadership Team

In addition to the paid staff of the church, a group of dedicated volunteers serves in leadership of the congregation each year. The Leadership Team, led by a chair and vice chair, meets monthly and oversees the business of the church. It also includes representatives of the Nurture, Christian Education, Witness, Deacons, and Stewards teams, along with the church treasurer and financial secretary. A twice-yearly Congregational Business Meeting is responsible for final decisions and church governance.

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